Long Hair Tips


If you just gave birth and your baby is still in the womb (or has not left the womb yet), we would like to give you some ideas about long hair care methods! Long hair can be a daunting task, so let's dive into ways that you can help keep those pesky lumps or dandruff at bay.

Lash Care

If you have oily or combination hair, use conditioner before shampooing. A little bit of this will help remove oil and dirt from your locks. It will also soften them up and keep your hair shiny and bouncy. You can make your own at home with olive oils, coconut oil, butter, etc. This help moisturizes your scalp. Don't use any harsh chemicals on your hair as they might strip it of its natural shine and leave it looking dull and flaky. But if you want something more gentle and won't damage your hair, try adding one teaspoon of almond oil to two cups of warm water. Be careful about using too much oil as it can clog your pores and lead to breakage and dryness. Instead, use a lightweight lotion containing coconut oil or avocado oil. Just don't overdo it because you will end up applying lots of it, which can cause inflammation which could irritate the blood vessels. Do not use hair dye on your hair at all as doing so would strip your hair of its color, and can make it look dull and lifeless. Keep our other blog post about hair dye safe.


A good shampoo should contain essential oils for soft hair. However, you should only apply shampoo after washing your hair properly. Make sure to wash your hair thoroughly and with a shower gel. This is especially important if you've recently shaved your head as sometimes the hair is so dry that there are no strands left behind that are even washed away by the rest of your body. Otherwise, you'll notice that you didn't get rid of any hair at all! Try to use a conditioner to seal in hair shafts, but only when necessary, and only apply it as often as needed. Conditioners only work when applied correctly, so avoid applying them right after styling your hair. Don't forget to remove the towel and rinsing cloth! After you finish drying your hair, pat your hair dry. Apply conditioner again and then rinse again.

Shampoos can be made with different ingredients, such as aloe vera and honey. They are perfect for deep conditioning and keeping moisture in long hair, but make sure that you do not add any unnecessary additives. If you're still worried about how to prepare your hair for bathing, check out the following video - it explains everything in detail! And finally, if your hair is very oily or curly, opt for a flat iron. Using the hot tool helps loosen the curl pattern; once you're done ironing, place the flat iron on a low heat setting instead of a high heat setting, as higher temperatures burn the top of your hair. The hot tool will allow the iron to completely melt the curls and keep them frizzy and free from flyaways. Also, remember that straightening your hair will prevent any damage to it because it will prevent further shedding and breakages.

If your hair is straight and healthy with plenty of healthy volumes, it is time to go see a hairstylist for some advice! Your hairstylist may recommend you trim your edges or create a back part, and if your hair looks unhealthy with split ends, you should seek professional help as it takes a lot of skill and patience to shape fine lines, twists, braids, and so on.

Tips for Straightened/Curled Hair

1) Use blowdrying tools only for those who need them; otherwise, it will hurt your hair. Blowdryers can create static electricity which causes hair breakage. Always choose quality materials to ensure longevity for your hair.

2) Avoid touching your hair during the day. It is better to keep it away from direct sunlight and store it in a cool, dark place like a closet or bathroom cabinet. For extra protection, try to use a scarf around your neck or hold the towel over your eyes when using a blow dryer.

3) When brushing your hair with a brush, make sure that the brushes are small enough to prevent tangling. Also, avoid rubbing vigorously with your hands to prevent damaging your strands. Hold each brush vertically.

4) If your hair is curly, comb it out. While it is tempting to tousle every strand out of your hair, this process can pull hair follicles from their roots, leading to weak and damaged strands of hair. To reduce this risk, it is better to comb strands straight down and then tie them back up with braid clips.

5) Be mindful of your choice of styling products. Choose hair tools that are suitable for both straightened and curled hair types. For instance, while straightened hair will benefit from soft-tipped mousse and spray trims, the hair's texture will not change if these products are used in a ponytail or coiffed hairstyle. So, stick to what helps you achieve the best results.

Tips for Healthy Hair

1) Consider including foods rich in omega-3 in your daily diet. Fish oils are a great source of omega-3 and help maintain healthy hair.

2) Give your hair a thorough exfoliation regularly. Exfoliating your hair gives it a fresh feeling and makes it look shinier.

3) Moisturization is essential for keeping your hair strong and beautiful. Leave-in conditioners are ideal for preventing damage to your hair and boosting its strength and elasticity.

4) Properly massaging your scalp with a soft towel can bring about relaxation and can help to protect your scalp. Remember to rub gently as your fingers press against your scalp to keep tension controlled.

5) Never clip your hair short, never cut your hair back shorter than your heart, and always leave extra space between your finger and your elbow. Short or tight cuts can seriously injure your hair. Also, be aware that twisting your hair often causes you to pull your hair away from your face. The longer this happens, the less likely you will pull any hair and cause injury.

6) Washing your hair regularly is essential, and will help retain moisture for longer and healthier hair. Start washing your hair every few days, at least twice a week.

7) Never blow-dried your hair. Wet hair quickly dries faster than the same procedure using air-dried. Doing this will eventually make your hair dry out. On the contrary, air-dried hair will take longer than wet hair to dry. Letting hair air dry can lead to dry, brittle strands.

8) Dampen your pillowcases, towels, and clothing regularly. Adding moisture to your bedding will help keep your bedding moist and clean. As mentioned earlier, moisture protects hair follicles. Water and moisture, therefore, protect your hair strands. Moisture is also necessary to replenish lost fluids in case of prolonged sleep loss or poor hydration, and to promote healthy growth.

9) Invest in a deodorant. Deodorants come in many varieties that vary according to how effective they are. Some may smell slightly sweet smelling, while others provide a pleasant fragrance that reduces itching and irritation. One simple tip for choosing deodorant is to consider the size and weight of the bottle. Smaller bottles are easier to carry around, while larger bottles require more energy. Once you know which type works best on your skin and hair type, buy it.



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